Prestige Turbo Pure 48 hours Yeast 14-18%


This is a temperature tolerant yeast that is suitable for many types of stills, from the simple ‘Amazing Still’ (and is the only yeast in the world particularly recommended for this) to more advanced fractional stills. Can be used to ferment up to 14% in a couple of days or 18% in a week. It is suitable for mash and alco base but not for fruit schnapps. Maximum dosage is 5.4gms of yeast per litre of water. The fermentation is very clean but at high temperatures a lot of by-products are produced. It can easily produce 18% ethanol by volume but can reach 20% with glucose if the liquid temperature is kept at 20 – 25degC throughout fermentation.

Instructions: Dissolve 6 – 8kg of sugar into 8 litres of hot water, stir until this is completely dissolved.  Top up to 25 litres with cold water.

Make sure the temperature of the liquid is below 40degC then add the sachet of yeast. Stir until no yeast particles are visible. Allow to ferment at 20 – 30degC air temperature for 2 – 7 days according to the amount of sugar used –

6kg. Ferment for 2 days then 1 – 2 days at 30degC.

7kg. Ferment for 4 days then 2 – 3 days at 30degC.

8kg. Ferment for 7 days then 4 – 5 days at 30degC.

For a pure fermentation the air temperature must be a maximum of 30degC.

2 in stock

Additional information

Weight 0.16 kg


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