Prestige Bison Vodka


Bison vodka is a dry, herb flavoured vodka distilled from rye. It’s flavour is unique and is described as having woodruff, vanilla, coconut and almond notes. Simply add the contents of this bottle to 750ml of base alcohol and shake until the contents are fully blended. Cocktail suggestion in ‘Description’ below.

17 in stock


Try a Bison Grapefruit-Thyme – pour 20ml on thyme syrup into a cocktail shaker, add 60ml of Bison Vodka and 30ml of grapefruit juice. Add ice, shake it all up and strain into a cocktail glass. garnish with a little more thyme.

To make thyme syrup boil half a cup of water, take it off the heat and drop in a handful of fresh thyme sprigs. Let it steep for about 10 minutes then stir in half a cup of sugar until it dissolves. This will make at least six cocktails, what you don’t use keeps for quite a while in the fridge.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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